Adobe Acrobat Pro DC 2020

Adobe Acrobat Pro DC 2020

Adobe Acrobat Pro DC multilingual + patch key

Acrobat DC with Cloud Document is packed with all the tools you need to convert, edit, and sign PDFs. It’s as portable as you are. So you can start the document at work, change it on the train and submit it for approval smoothly, easily and without delay.

It is equipped with smart devices that give you more communication power. Create and edit PDF files, including rich media, share information more securely and collect feedback more efficiently.

Adobe Acrobat Pro DC software is an advanced way for business professionals to create, combine, manage, and deliver high-quality, secure Adobe PDF documents for easy, secure distribution, collaboration, and data collection.

Adobe Acrobat Pro DC features:

Edit the PDF file

With Adobe Acrobat Pro DC, you can edit text and images directly in PDF files without the need for original documents or images.

Edit the text in the PDF. Fix typos, change fonts, or add paragraphs to PDF so easily in other apps with the new Dot and Click interface.

Edit images in PDF. Resize, replace and adjust PDF images without having to keep track of the original file or image.

Export from PDF file

Reduce the time you spend typing information into PDF files. Convert PDF files to editable Microsoft Office documents. And save fonts, formats and businesses.

Convert PDF files to Word. Save your PDF as a Microsoft Word document and bring fonts, formats, and layouts.

Convert PDF files to Excel. Convert a PDF or part of it to an Excel spreadsheet that you can use immediately to analyze the data.

Convert PDF files to PowerPoint. Start a new project by saving the PDF file as a fully editable PowerPoint presentation.

Create a PDF file

You don’t have to anymoreto make sure the files you send look good on other people’s screens. Convert documents to PDF files that anyone can view using the free Adobe Reader.

Convert Word, Excel or PowerPoint to PDF. Create PDFs, start shared reviews, restrict PDF editing, and more directly from your Windows Office application.

Print in pdf. Convert files to PDF from almost any printed application by simply selecting Adobe PDF for your printer.

Scan to PDF. If you need to convert a paper document or form to a digital file, scan it to create a searchable PDF file.

Convert HTML pages to PDF. Save web pages as PDF files to archive web content, view pages offline, or print them more securely.

Creating and analyzing patterns

Save time spent creating patterns, re-encrypting data, and debugging. Distribute the form online, then collect responses and analyze the results in real time.

Create new PDF and web forms. Customize professional templates or designs from scratch with Adobe FormsCentral for computers in Adobe Acrobat Pro DC.

Collect response forms using FormsCentral. Easily collect answers by uploading your PDF or web form online using Adobe FormsCentral online.

Convert an existing form to a printable PDF. Knock less, collect more. Quickly convert paper, Word or Excel forms to PDF.

Collect response forms using Adobe Acrobat. Create a returned form into a PDF or host form using a network folder or a Microsoft SharePoint server.

Merge and merge files

Communicate clearly with some PDF attachments. Convert many files into one organized PDF that is easy to email and easy to find.

Combinemultiple files in one PDF. Make sure they don’t miss anything. Merge documents, spreadsheets, emails and more into a regular PDF.

Merge files into a PDF Portfolio. Share your work in a PDF portfolio containing professional materials with interactive effects.

Create interactive PDF files. Bring your ideas to life by adding audio, video-compatible Adobe Flash Player and interactive media to PDF.

Simplify comments and approvals

Stop searching for traces of paper and email. Automatic review and approval cycle with Adobe Acrobat Pro DC. Various reviewers can review your comments and update them until you meet your deadline.

Coordinate the review and approval of documents. Shared reviews allow people to add PDFs to common tools. You can track progress and combine comments.

Export comments to Word. Save all PDF comments in the original Microsoft Word document and update the text faster than ever.

Approve with an electronic signature. Keep the project moving. Sign your approval directly in PDF. You do not need to print, fax, or e-mail the document.

Ask someone else to sign the document. Give the green light faster. Send PDFs to others for approval of signatures and traces online using Adobe EchoSign.

Integrated with SharePoint. Acrobat makes it easy and convenient for you to download, open, and save PDFs stored on your company’s SharePoint server.

Compare the two versions of the file. Let Acrobat try comparing the two versions of the file until you get a detailed report of the results.

Save and access files in Use for free file storage in the cloud, with access to Acrobat or Reader on your desktop or mobile device.

Protect PDF files

Adobe Acrobat Pro DC simplifies your work regardless of your application.

Use PDF passwords and permissions. Lookprofessional protection without becoming an expert. Add copy and edit protection to any PDF, even directly from Microsoft Office applications on Windows.

Delete and edit information. Don’t just obscure confidential information. Find and delete forever, even if they are hidden in metadata.

Automate document protection tasks. Apply document protection measures in the same way at all times. Use guided actions to protect your PDF before you publish it.

Operating system: Windows Server 2008 R2, 2012, 2012 R2 and Windows 7, 8, 10 (32-bit and 64-bit).

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