Dr Strange 2016

Dr Strange 2016

The former neurosurgeon embarks on a healing path just to enter the world of mystical arts.

Director: Scott Derrickson

Writers: John Spaihts, Scott Derrickon

Stars: Benedict Cumberbatch, Kivetel Echiofor, Rachel McAdams

Genres: Action | Fantasy adventure Science fiction

Country: USA

The French language

A hive

CM8 Do it right the first time

Source: Sifter Thank you m8


Another quality declaration decided to make the perfect version in the finish style,

it will defeat future censored versions that obey the corpus, nothing else is needed.


The quality was very nice, the film was quite dark, so it split into pieces and recorded the RGB and brightness as needed scene after scene.

The result is perfect and bright, as it should be.

remove all watermarks from video and audio, security first.
Hindi Medium 2017 1080p download movie torrent


Video: 720×304 @bitrate 1800 2pass

Audio: AC3 English stereo

Sample: therefore included

PS: the rules do not apply, 20th woman, someone on the ground?

Doctor Strange (2016) Eng


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