Violence 2017 FRENCH BDRip XviD-FuN
Format: AVI at 1,461 kbps
Duration: GiB for 2 14 min 18 188 ms
Video # 0: MPEG-4 Visual at 1,318 kbps
Size: 720 302 () at fps
Voice # 0: 128 kbps MPEG audio
Information: 2 channels, kHz
In 1892, cavalry captain Joseph Blocker, a former warrior and prison guard, was in charge of the Yellow Hawk, the chief of the Cheyenne mourners, in his former tribal lands. Peu aprs avois pris la route, ils renconpraat Rosalee Quaid. Only escape from the massacre of his family by the Comanches, the young traumatic woman joins them through their predicament. The bowls for the scent, la abuse and la mort, it is on enux dinfinies rserve de colre and defifivers envers autrui. In particular, chemistry in the New York-Mexican state of Montana does not investigate a definite fairy tale for the survival of the common people and reconnoiter at the comusches quils