The free Messenger for Desktop app is an unofficial version of Facebook Messenger. Works free as a standard web browser that allows people to display the Facebook Messenger port. This application does not touch personal information. MFD is a lightweight platform and software that supports Apple Mac and Microsoft Windows operating systems: Windows 7, 8, and 10 as well as MacOS and (function () {(‘review-app-page-desktop’);}); Yes! Is Desktop messaging secure? Messenger for Desktop is the secure host for the official Facebook Messenger access point. Messenger for Desktop does not have access to personal account information: username and password. In addition, MFD does not touch messages. The official Facebook app handles data securely. Although MFD is similar to a web browser, can the platform only access Messenger and can I view my Messenger on a PC? Download Messenger for Desktop for easy access to desktop software. Software can be launched automatically when people configure their operating system. This app is suitable for people who communicate a lot on Facebook Messenger as they do not need to pick up their mobile phone or open a new tab in the web browser to open the application and their response can activate native notifications on their PC devices. In addition to receiving intuitive user interface messages, the MFD community can access and respond to messages that appear as notifications. This gentle feeling ensures that people are aware of the new messages they have while continuing to interact on their PCs and web browsers, people are not aware of the new messages in the same way. Desktop Messenger ensures that people are always in touch with what is happening in their inbox. People save their energy with MFD because they do not have to constantly check their browsers or mobile phones to get new messages. Instead, this is a good communication experience Desktop Messenger features the official Messenger User interface in the app. This software improves the performance of native software on PC devices. Although Messenger for Desktop is similar to a web browser, MFD is a simple and comfortable experience. The text and video chat capabilities in MFD are handled by Facebook Messenger while the browser is designed for the MFD user interface is very similar to the Official Messenger UI. This enables a normal user experience that allows people to send messages intuitively, initiate video calls, e.g. In the left panel, people can read their message thread. The name of the person or group the user is contacting appears to the right of the name that is the most recent time or date of the message. At the top of the message list is a search bar that invites users to Find people and groups. The Desktop Community can print names and words to travel quickly through their conversations to bring specific examples they are looking for in the search bar, participants can deliver new messages by clicking on pencil and paper icons. The settings section is located in the upper left corner of the user interface. Next to the left panel is the current chat window. To switch between messages, simply click another conversation in the list on the left. The sender’s name will be displayed at the top of their name, their status will beappears to tell users how long they have been online. With this information there are functions: voice calls, video calls, and news. Launch personal and group video calls easily with the camcorder button. In the Message Bar Type, people can find the ability to share photos, GIFs, stickers, emojis, effects, touches when you are in style. Compared to web browsers, Desktop UI Messenger adds UX highlights as its app is directed to FB Messenger: text chat, video calls, n.k. With a large screen, no empty space or ads in MFD and having a small and ad-free user interface, MFD gives the community the ability to give their UI a new look with lighter, black mode options. These changes are available in Windows and Mac chat alternatives. Similarly for Messenger for Desktop, Skype and WhatsApp are applications that can be launched on PC devices. Use this app to easily receive audio, text, and video notifications. While the chat app above has the same UI, the beauty of MFD and WhatsApp visibility is much clearer than the Skypes channel; this is because of the complex Skypes and Messenger settings for Desktop, Skype, and WhatsApp, the Facebook Messenger application is a cross platform. With the ability to make professional conference calls that include functions such as screen sharing, Skype is the best choice for business communication. MFD, Facebook Messenger, and WhatsApp are the best options for personal use. Compared to FB Messenger, MFD has a confusing color when it comes to PCMessenger for Desktop is a secure program for installing PC and Mac computers and laptops. The unofficial FB Messenger app allows people to access their conversations effectively. Have clear Messenger or receive back notifications while sharing on a PC device. Is there an unlimited chat, audio, and video meeting with this new and free? The MFD team is committed to maintaining consistent system updates. Visit their official website to see their software updates, contact information, privacy policies, terms and conditions, cookies, etc.