OS X 10.8 ML USB Stick Creator (UniBeast 1.5.3) for Windows

OS X 10.8 ML USB Stick Creator (UniBeast 1.5.3) for Windows

The title says it all: This torrent is made for one purpose only, which is to create a USB stick for OS X Mountain Lion from Windows or Linux (for example, if you run OSX on your hard drive and it crashes when you don’t have a backup on USB installer somewhere on a flash drive – or you want to try OS X, but you do not have access to a Mac / AppleStore, and even if you want to buy it and / or make a USB flash drive, it is impossible, because the appropriate equipment is not at hand). Well, this stream is the answer to your prayers.

Requirements: 8 GB USB stick


Torrent contains 2 files

Run … at the bottom it can already recognize and select your USB drive, press select …
Avid Pro Tools HD 10
now “private part” lol – allows you to select files only with the extension “.RAW” … or rename or – more easy just tap * .iso checkboxes … this will allow you to choose what (recommended)

Now wait for the burn process to finish … then you can reboot your system and select the USB flash drive and just boot from it.

What I posted here has been tested on Windows 7 with a completely empty USB stick … save completes perfectly … rebooting is just as good as installing from a USB stick. If you have any problems and / or questions – come and join me on Cheers.

Credit to the UniBeast developers is going to TonyMacX86 and MacMan as usual


My first torrent upload was not properly configured on my computer, it must work – delete the old one :).

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