Rebecca 2020

Rebecca 2020

The young bride arrives at her husband’s imposing family estate on the windswept English coast and discovers that she is struggling with the shadow of his first wife, Rebecca, whose legacy lives in the house long after her death.
Ben Whitley Screenwriters:
Jane Goldman (screenplay), Joe Shrapnel (screenplay) After a whirlwind of romance in Monte Carlo with the beautiful widower Maxim de Winter (Armi Hammer), the young bride (Lily James) arrives at Manderley, her new husband’s impressive family estate on the windswept English coast. . Naive and inexperienced, she begins to calm down in the attributes of her new life, but finds herself struggling with the shadow of Maxim’s first wife, the stylish urban Rebecca, whose hereditary legacy the evil housewife Manderley keeps alive. , Mrs. Denvers (Christine Scott Thomas).

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