Run 2020

Run 2020

A teenager from homeschooling begins to suspect that her mother is keeping a dark secret from her.
Aneesh Chaganty Author:
Aneesh Chaganty, Sev Ohanian Stars:
Sarah Paulson, Kiera Allen, Saras son | Chloe, a wheelchair-bound teenager, is homeschooled by her mother. But her mother’s strange behavior does not go unnoticed, and when Chloe digs into some private newspapers, she discovers a name change certificate with her mother’s name, Diane Sherman. When Chloe googled “Diane Sherman” the internet suddenly stopped. Chloe becomes suspicious of everything her mother does and she suspects something unfortunate. She decides to run in a wheelchair to get away from her in despair.

Four friends, all of whom are high school teachers, are testing a theory that suggests they can improve their lives by maintaining constant blood alcohol levels.
Thomas Vinterberg Author:
Thomas Vinterberg (script), Tobias Lindholm (script) Stars:
Mads Mikkelsen, Thomas Bo Larsen, Magnus Millang | There is a theory that humans are born with half a per mille too little. That alcohol in the blood opens the mind to the outside world, problems seem less and creativity increases. We know that well; After the first glass of wine, the conversation ends and the possibilities open up. Martin is a high school teacher. He feels old and tired. His students and their parents want him to give up in order to raise his average. Encouraged by the Per Mille theory, Martin and his three colleagues begin an experiment to constantly influence alcohol in everyday life. If Churchill won World War II in thick fog, what could the strong drops do for her and her students? The result is positive in the beginning. Martin’s class is different now and the project is promoted to a real academic study with result collection. Slowly but surely, alcohol causes the four friends and those around them to break free. The results are increasing and they really are

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