Shining 1980

Shining 1980

The family leads to a secluded hotel in the winter, where as a result of the evil presence the father becomes violent, while his psychic son sees horrible predictions about the past and the future.
Author Stanley Kubrick:
Stephen King (based on the novel), Stanley Kubrick (screenwriter) Permanent blockbuster, ambitious and alcoholic writer Jack Torrance drags his wife Wendy and talented son Danny to the quiet Overlook Hotel in Colorado after the season ends. When the star-studded hotel stayed for a season, the manager gave Jack a big round, and the department’s chef, Mr. The older Hallorann, who had an interesting conversation with Danny about a psychic gift that rarely mentioned “The Shining”, warned him. about abandoned hotel rooms, and especially unlimited rooms, room 237. Instead of gradually deciding on embarrassing creative news, he begins to lose his mind, trapped in an unforgivable environment that looks like an endless snowstorm and a dungeon alone full of events and strange ghosts. A constant voice in Jack’s head now called for sacrifice. Can Jack kill?

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