Windows 10 20H2 AIO + Office 365 x64 pt-BR Setembro 2020

Windows 10 20H2 AIO + Office 365 x64 pt-BR Setembro 2020


Windows 10 20H2 AIO 23.9.2020


Win10 Home – Office 365

Win10 Pro – Office 365

Win10 native language – Office 365

Win10 Education – Office 365

Win10 Pro Education – Office 365

Win10 Pro Workstation – Office 365

Win10 Enterprise – Office 365


Net Framework

MS Dart 10

Office 365 Pro Plus

Office groups

Updates – 23rd SET 2020

OBS: For Office teams this is a control program and a program

build windows:

build an office:

Tamanho: GB

Crditos: Gleison Lima

Architecture: x64

Idiom: Portuguese-BR

BIOS: UEFI / Legacy

format: ISO / ESD

MD5: 6A12A9EF9E74F1201E2E0F305E4FF111

Author: Gleison Lima

Windows 10 20H2 Ultra Lite X



Architecture: x64

Idiom: pt-BR (Native)

BIOS: UEFI / Legacy

format: ISO / ESD

MD5: 7D0556FA2F701C6E6D53A6EFD99BC27F

======= REMOVIDO ======

teclados on the body is a touch



Cortana- small Functional


Hyper -V

Body protectors

Microsoft Edge

Metro applications

Onedrive – mas Poderar Ser Reinstalando Novamente

Microsoft Store Installer Na rea ​​De Trabalho. OBS: Login via Microsoft, for normal operation

===== DESATIVADO ====


Animations from Windows DESATIVADO

Said in Janelas and the course is DESANTIVE

OBS: Instalao Automatica De Drivers Funcionando, aps Instalao Dos-Drivers Desative O Windows Update.

|| Aps terminar a instalao reinicie sistemi ||

==== INTEGRADED =====


Classic calculator


Visualizer Classic Image

Microsoft Edge Chromium Installer for Windows operating systems

Microsoft Store Installer Na rea ​​De Trabalho

==== Home system ====

Edio de Documentos has no office

Copy video and audio

Navigated the internet

Applications from the Microsoft Store and Officials

Starter games are not fun

Microsoft Store.

Author: Gleison Lima

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این فیلد را پر کنید
لطفاً یک نشانی ایمیل معتبر بنویسید.

16 + 4 =
