Windows 10 20H2 Ultra Lite X pt-BR Setembro 2020

Windows 10 20H2 Ultra Lite X pt-BR Setembro 2020

Windows 10 20H2 Ultra Lite X



Architecture: x64

Language: pt-BR (Native)

BIOS: UEFI / Legacy

formed: ISO / ESD

MD5: 7D0556FA2F701C6E6D53A6EFD99BC27F

======= REMOVED ======

keyboards in fabric and touch



Cortana- Research Working


Inflammation -V

Screen protectors

Microsoft Edge

Metro Applications

Onedrive – more to be able to be reinstalling again

Microsoft Store: Device Design and Management. OBS: you need to log into your Microsoft account for normal service

===== DISABLED ====

Central aes OFF

Animaes and Windows DISABLED

Shadow in janelas on the course OFF

OBS: Instalao Automatica De Drivers Working, aps Install Two Desative Drivers Drivers Windows Windows Update.

|| Aps to install or reboot or system ||

==== INTEGRATED =====


Classic calculator


Imagem Classico Viewer

Microsoft Edge Chromium- installer is a research to make windows

Microsoft Store: Device Design and Management

==== System to face Domstico ====

No Office Document Edio

Video and audio playback equipment

Surf and internet

Run Microsoft Store software

Some games will not work at all

Microsoft Store.

By Gleison Lima

Windows 10 20H2 Ultra Lite X


Language: pt-BR (Native)

Credits: Gleison Lima

BIOS: UEFI / Legacy

formed: ISO / ESD

MD5: 8289640BFC148A2F8335A8C892885FA6


Eye contact:

Desktop Disk: 6GB

======= REMOVED ======

keyboards in fabric and touch

Rede – lan and Wlan WORKING




Inflammation -V

Screen protectors

Metro Applications

Onedrive – more to be able to be reinstalling again

NOVO Edge – INSTALLER in the case of work

Microsoft Store – INSTALLER and work area

= OBS =

Retrieve information, share and collaborate on interesting materials, for remote accesses and presentations via radio no

Search bar somente no menu start classic

ULTRA LITE CAT – without ISO housing

Block Satellite Enable

Ativar Central de Notificaes

BLUR Periodic Effect and Bloqueio Cloth

Enable Printer Service


===== DISABLED ====

Central aes OFF

Animaes and Windows DISABLED

Shadow in janelas on the course OFF

Bloqueio fabric OFF

BLUR Effect in Bloqueio Fabric OFF

دیدگاهتان را بنویسید

نشانی ایمیل شما منتشر نخواهد شد. بخش‌های موردنیاز علامت‌گذاری شده‌اند *

این فیلد را پر کنید
این فیلد را پر کنید
لطفاً یک نشانی ایمیل معتبر بنویسید.

دو + 16 =
