Windows 10 Digital Activation Program 1.3.6 b3 by Ratiborus Full

Windows 10 Digital Activation Program 1.3.6 b3 by Ratiborus Full

Program for digital activation of Windows 10

The new W10 digital license activation program can permanently activate Windows 10 with a digital license.

W10 digital license activation:

Activate Windows 10 permanently with a digital license.

Advanced startup options (keys):

/ activate Run the program in hidden mode.

What’s new:

Bug fixes and improvements

Don’t forget to visit the website to download the latest Win & Mac software


This is the Ratiborus tool to activate Windows 10 with a digital license.

The W10 digital activation program automatically replaces the km license if it already exists.

The W10 digital activation program does not install or save activation files on the system,

So you don’t need to set exceptions in your antivirus.

To activate the operating system immediately, you must use this tool to connect to the Internet.

The next time you connect to the Internet, the system will be activated automatically

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