Activator CMD Windows 10 1809 and Office 2019

Activator CMD Windows 10 1809 and Office 2019


– folder contains cmd to activate windows 10 and office 2019 for 180 days

C2R-R2V – folder containing cmd to convert 2019 retail office licenses into volume

Tutorial included!

CMD Activator Windows 10 and Office 2019 – May 2019

What’s in this torrent:

Convert Office 2019/2016/365 from Retail to Volume

– C2R-Retail2Volume-2013 ++. 7z

Convert Office 2013 from Retail to Volume

Activate Windows 7/8 / / 10

Activate Windows Server 2008R2 / 2012 / 2012R2 / 2016/2019

Office Volume Activate 2010/2013/2016/2019


See detailed information on versions / editions of Windows and Office that can / cannot be implemented with this tool.


– Deactivate all antivirus software

– Remove all 3 packages using Winrar’s other software extraction tools

– Run as an administrator:

– optional: if you install a 2019/2016 retail office, run it from

– optional: if you install office 2013 retail, run it from C2R-Retail2Volume-2013 ++. 7z

– run from to activate Windows and / or Office

– done.


this method will activate Windows and / or Office for 180 days

read about other methods (auto-refresh tasks) to activate Windows and / or Office!

Released in March and May 2019 by abbodi1406 at

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