

Powerful local search tool with remote access to indexed content. By default, Windows search engine has always been accused of being slow, inaccurate and useless. This is why it may be a good idea to replace it with another local search engine.

Everything can be the replacement you are looking for. This simple, fast tool indexes absolutely all the content on your hard drive (hence its name) and adds them to an ever-growing database where you can search for keywords when using any standard search (function ()) (‘review app’) – page-desktop “);});

The program is incredibly fast in all aspects: installation, indexing of content and display of results. In addition, system resources are not covered, as other similar applications do. Another difference between “Everything” and other local search tools is that “Everything” allows you to configure an HTTP server that makes all indexed content available on the Internet.

On the one hand, this is a handy feature because you can remotely access your files from other computers or share files with friends: on the other hand, it raises some privacy issues, especially since there is no way to filter what type of content is indexed , and what is not, there is also no control system for who has access to the HTTP server.

Everything is a simple, really fast local search tool that makes a good replacement for the default search box for Windows, even if you unfortunately have no control over what the program indexes.

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