La La Land 2016

La La Land 2016

A jazz pianist falls in love with the aspiring actress in Los Angeles.

Director: Damien Chazelle

Author: Damien Chazelle

Stars: Ryan Gosling, Emma Stone, Rosemarie DeWitt

Genre: Comedy | Drama | Music | Romance

Country: USA



CM8 did it right the first time

Source: DVD-R9 Thanks to DRs


Finally the first quality release, we thought this was a hot title and we decided to share it with the public


fixed brightness, contrast, RGB and extra sharpness.

Remove all watermarks from video and audio, safety first.


Video: 720×288 @ bitrate 1600 2pass

Audio: English AC3

Exam: included yes

PS: We are looking for people who sit at home with all 30 discs and publish pictures all over the web, but do not share with anyone.

Not sure why you hid it can be done in a safe and secure way, only for personal viewing if requested.

let us know if you need help, we don’t bite

Unfortunately we do not do everything for the public this year, but we want everything !!

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