PassMark PerformanceTest v10

PassMark PerformanceTest v10


Easy computer measurement. Compare computer performance with similar computers around the world. It compares more than a million computers. PassMark has collected the baselines of more than a million computers and made them available on a network of benchmarks.


Works with USB

You can run PerformanceTest directly from a USB device. No network connection required. Ideal for IT controllers, technicians and computer enthusiasts on the go.

Advanced hard drive test

This advanced disk test, which is part of the Performance Test, measures the speed at which data is transferred when you read or write data to one or more disks. The speed at which data can be transferred between memory and hard disk is one of the most important aspects of system performance. This speed is affected by several factors, and the Advanced Disk Drive test allows the user to modify most of these factors and compare results.

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