UTorrent Pro 3

UTorrent Pro 3


Torrent is the best BitTorrent client for Windows. Many other BitTorrent clients have many services available in uTorrent, including bandwidth options, scheduling, direct RSS downloads, and DHT Home. In addition, uTorrent supports the common goals of protocol encryption and peer exchange. Unlike most brook customers, this system does not use the necessary resources with a minimum memory of 6MB, which allows you to use the computer as if it did not exist at all.


Immediately stream

View or verify flooding during download, without waiting for the file to finish.

Change, download and play in several formats

Torrent Pro includes an HD media player or converter to play on any mobile device.

New Premium Features

Torrent Pro adds new features every time. Enjoy at no extra cost.

Viral protection

Keep your computer safe by scanning virus downloads and malware.

Early entry

Get the latest updates and services in front of anyone else.

No ads

As a Pro user and Torrent follower, you can enjoy a free experience

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