Windows 10 Pro VL X64 1909 OEM ESD ENU JAN 2020 {Gen2}

Windows 10 Pro VL X64 1909 OEM ESD ENU JAN 2020 {Gen2}

* Windows 10 Pro VL X64 OEM ESD and JAN 2020

* Version 1909 Build

* File:

* Size: 4.00 GB

* Format: bootable ISO

* CRC32: 094e105f

* MD5: 33da55392c488b7873fe7cb6ea814065

* SHA-1: 3dfcc72ddeba6dc7e52413ef999803896ba29164


Integrated / installed:

* Updates to the service stack:

* KB4528759

* Cumulative updates:

* KB4528760

*. Clean setting

* Updates collected for

*. PURE frame and:

* KB4532938

* Flash Player security update:

* KB4516115

Configuration / complete installation:

* Defender updates


* Windows 10 Pro – STD

* Windows 10 Pro – DLA

* Windows 10 Pro – OEM

* STD = Default installation – For those who have their own license key

* DLA = Activation of digital license (HWID)

* OEM – automatically activated during installation

* UEFI is ready

* (Use the attached USB Rufus tool to make it UEFI bootable)

* Diagnostic and recovery tool (Microsoft DaRT)

* compressed in recovery format ()

* Make USB bootable (highly recommended) with Rufus,

* (installed) or burn at slow speed to DVD-R.

* WindowsAddict, author of the Windows activation script

* I hope you enjoy this post!

* Hello,

* Generations2

* Windows 10 X64 1909 Pro ar-SA and US MAY 2020

* Version 1909 Build

* File:

* Size: 4.06 GB

* Format: ISO can be reloaded

* CRC32: 9132f8b7

* MD5: 01f98195deb9b5874673cfd30bc1df8a

* SHA-1: 955427581a9a269573153b67412d3b1699e49279


Integrated / installed:

* Updates to the service stack:

* KB4552152

* Cumulative updates:

* KB4556799

* Clean frame

* Updates collected for

* Clean and:

* KB4552931

* Flash Player security update:

* KB4537759

Configuration / complete installation:

* Defender updates



* Windows 10 Pro – DLA

* DLA = digital license activation (HWID)

* UEFI is ready

* (Use the attached USB Rufus tool to make it UEFI bootable)

* Diagnostic and recovery tool (Microsoft DaRT)

* compressed in recovery format ()

* Make USB bootable (highly recommended) with Rufus,

* (installed) or burn at slow speed on DVD-R.

* WindowsAddict, author of the Windows activation script

* I hope you enjoy this post!

* Hello,

* Generations2.

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2 × 2 =
