Windows 10 Pro X64 3in1 19H1 OEM ESD pt-BR AUG-30 2019

Windows 10 Pro X64 3in1 19H1 OEM ESD pt-BR AUG-30 2019

* Windows 10 Pro X64 3in1 19H1 OEM ESD pt-BR AUG-30 2019

* 1903 Edition Build

* File:

* Size: 3.73 GB

* Format: ISO to boot

* CRC32: 6dd508e2

* MD5: 6ce067958c742493281fc303e33f57ea

* SHA-1: 42d498a632f671700a4314ff5cc787e6a71bede7


Connected / pre-installed:

* Stack update service:

* KB4515530

* Add information:

* KB4512941

* Upcoming update to

*. .NET framework with:

* KB4511555

* Flash Player security update:

* KB4503308

Configure Done / Message to Install:

* .NET server

* Updates for Windows Defender


* Windows 10 Pro – STD

* Windows 10 Pro – DLA

* Windows 10 Pro – OEM

* STD = Standard setup – for people with their own license key

* DLA = Enable Digital Licenses (HWID)

* OEM – is activated automatically during installation

* One version of original material

* Ready for UEFI

* (Use Rufus integrated USB tool to make UEFA bootable)

* Recognition and recovery program (Microsoft DaRT)

* highlighted in rescue format ()

* Create a usable USB (highly recommended) with Rufus,

* (included) or burn to DVD-R at a slower rate.

* WindowsAddict, author of Windows Launching Document

* I hope you like this edition!

* Understandable,

* Generation 2

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16 − 8 =
