Wonder Woman 2017

Wonder Woman 2017

IMDb: (Duration): 2 hours and 21 minutes
(File size): GiB


(Format): AC-3 – Audio Encoding 3
(Codec): AC3


(Format): AVC – Advanced Video Codec
(Media): video / H264
(Format): x264
(Resolution): 1920 800 pixels
(AspectRatio) :: 1
(FrameRate): second

Move fast to the ’80s when Wonder Woman’s next big-screen adventure hits her with two brand new enemies: Max Lord and The Cheetah.
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Authors Patty Jenkins:
Geoff Johns (story), Patty Jenkins (story) Move fast to the ’80s when Wonder Woman’s next big-screen adventure hits her with two brand new enemies: Max Lord and The Cheetah..

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